What you can do to help

An increasing number of people have been asking us recently what they can do to help our campaign, which is fantastic!  We have listed some ideas below, if you have any others feel free to suggest them!

  1. Phone your energy/utility provider to inform them that you do not want a Smart Meter.  Send a Notice of Non-Consent for Smart Meter Installation/Notice of Liability via our online facility and follow-up with a letter saying the same.  Stand-up for your rights and make your voice heard!

  2. Give out our leaflets to your nearest & dearest, especially to your neighbours – many people in the UK public still haven’t heard of ‘Smart’ Meters and most do not know what threats they present – ask your neighbours if they’ve heard of ‘Smart’ Meters or have been offered one, then furnish them with our A4-sized knowledge torpedo and remind them that they are lawfully entitled to REFUSE them!

  3. Sign up as a member of our site – we send out updates about once a week, we never spam and your personal data is sacred to us – we will NEVER, EVER share it with anyone.  (See the box on our home page where you enter your email address).

  4. Start your own awareness campaign – get in touch with us, we’ll help you.  You never know, our mascot might even come and help you give out leaflets on your local high-street with you.

  5. Attend village fetes/local markets, give out some leaflets and talk to people about the ‘Smart’ Meter threat.

  6. Find out what big events are happening in your area and be there with leaflets – this is a great way to reach large numbers of people.

  7. Buy yourself a bumper sticker to put on your car, or make a yard sign – see www.RefuseSmartMeter.com for ideas.

  8. Append a “Do Not Install Smart Meter” sign to your current, beloved analogue meter – particularly if you live in flats or where there is a bank of analogue meters.  (Attach a leaflet too!)

  9. Link to our website from your own website, if you have one, or in the comments sections of other websites – e.g. online newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. – this helps to build our search engine rankings and drives new audiences to our site.

  10. Get in touch with your local newspaper – tell them you’re trying to raise awareness about a little known threat to the community, and ask them to write a piece on your activities.

  11. Ring your local radio stations.  People need to hear other people complaining about the massive lack of awareness about these cancer-causing surveillance devices.  Do you community a favour by ringing the radio station and sounding the alarm!  If you do this, please make a point of mentioning our website/campaign – Stop Smart Meters! and StopSmartMeters.org.uk

  12. If you would rather not appear on radio, we are quite happy to – if you can set-up an interview for us with local radio in your area, we will gladly go on instead.  We’ll even go on telly!

  13. “Like” us on Facebook (if you use it) or mention us on Twitter (@SpyMeters).

  14. Ring your local MP, request a surgery, and ask them what they know about Smart Meters.  Give them a leaflet and tell them you’ve done Points 1 & 2 (and 3-through-13, if you like).  Ask them to help you with your campaign and make your thoughts known about how much of a threat Smart Meters represent to his or her constituents – they might help you, especially if you help them realise that this issue WILL come back and bite them in due course (health issues, massive bill increases, safety issues, security breaches, and so on).  You could also formally write to them expressing your concerns and requesting they take action on your behalf – here is an example of a letter that you can take ideas from: https://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Smart-Meter-Letter-to-MP.pdf

  15. Pin our leaflets up around your area – notice boards at nurseries (creches and garden centres!), supermarkets, sports clubs, bingo halls, golf clubs, job centres, churches, local community notice boards, etc. all get regular audiences. Put one up on the notice boards in work – talk to your colleagues about them.  Only YOU can make this happen for us!

  16. Ask your company to consider Opting Out of having Smart Meters – everyone in your office has biology that will be affected by them.  Is the company concerned about rising energy bills?  What does it think about the potential affect Smart Metering will have on business operations and costs?

  17. Organise a screening of one of the interviews or films we have on our website – the Dr Dietrich Klinghardt interview or Resonance – Beings of Frequency by James Russell are two examples.  This issue is a blind spot for most people, help them to get the information.

  18. Send all your friends a kindly email with a link to our site.  Something like this:

“Dear all.  We got a call a few weeks ago from Belgium Electricity trying to convince us that we had to have a Smart Meter.  Having never heard of Smart Meters, we decided to look into them, and were pretty horrified by what we found.  Not only is our energy supplier telling us porkies (they are not compulsory at all) there are actually quite a few very serious risks posed by these things that you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy. We’re saying “no” to one, you might want to consider doing the same – some good information available here www.StopSmartMeters.org.uk.  Cheers, Steve

The keywords are “local action” and reaching out to your own family, friends, colleagues and community with compassion.  And if you have any other ideas, let us know.  We don’t claim to have the last word on stopping ‘Smart’ Meters and need all the help we can get!

Thanks for your support!