Texans Demand Freedom from Smart Meters – And Even Chuck Norris Speaks Out!

More than 100 Texans have joined together to petition public utilities regulators to ban so-called “smart” power meters because of the health threats they impose on the general public.

The meters are designed to interact with various advanced electronic appliances to monitor – and even manipulate – the use of power.

“Petitioners who have been subjected to forced or compelled installation of smart meters or have been exposed to RF and EMF radiation generated by smart meters fraudulently installed on neighboring homes and businesses have experienced difficulties with symptoms of insomnia, headaches, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms,” states the petition, submitted to the Public Utilities Commission of Texas by attorney Tom Cryer on behalf of Devvy Kidd, John Kidd and more than 100 others.

Cryer said his goal is to obtain a ruling on the dangers of the meters based on the health risks they pose.

“It’s like rushing thalidomide to the market … and not knowing the consequences,” he said, referring to the 1950s and 1960s use of the drug that caused major birth defects for children whose mothers used it.

… Action movie actor, martial arts champion and WND columnist Chuck Norris…asserted that complaints about ailments from the “electrosmog” are not hysteria or hype.

“Electrosmog is pollution through electromagnetic energy.  It is being produced by this vast post-Edison world, in which electromagnetic fields and flows have inundated the space around us,” he wrote.

He cited the work of Dr. David Carpenter, head of the New York State Department of Health for years, who said there is evidence that radio frequency exposure at elevated levels for long periods of time raises the risk of cancer and damage to the nervous system.

Also, author Brian Sussman in “Climategate” warns readers about the Smart Grid, Smart Meters, Smart Thermostats and Energy Star appliances – which he says will allow unseen bureaucrats to regulate all of the appliances in America’s homes.

“This is not fantasy,” says Sussman, an award-winning television meteorologist, “This is reality.  Smart Meters have already replaced the whirling, old-fashioned electric meters on the side of millions of houses in America – they monitor electricity usage minute-by-minute and can be read remotely.  The remote-controlled Smart Thermostats are being installed as well and further enable bureaucratic control the temperature of your abode.  The Smart Grid, which was mandated in the 2007 energy bill and funded with ‘stimulus’ money, is coming next.  The grid will possess interactive broadband capabilities to further control all of the new-generation Energy Star appliances you will be forced to purchase – like your washer, dryer, water heater and even your flat-screen TV.”

via Texans demand freedom from smart meters