The Truth Behind the Secret TTIP Trade Deal

Europe and North America are currently negotiating two trade deals that could turn out to be the biggest corporate power grabs in history — TTIP and CETA. The treaties read like a corporate wish-list: secret courts that can sue our governments for taking decisions which impact profits, the removal of environmental and health regulation and the degradation of working standards.

This doesn’t really come as a suprise! So far only corporate lobbyists have had access to the negotiations: from Monsanto to Nestlé, they are all scuttling around Brussels to get their corporate agenda into the treaties. European citizens have so far been faced with shut doors wherever they turn.
This is about to change.
We have teamed up with more than 250 partner organisations all across the European Union for a self-organised European Citizens’ Initiative against TTIP and CETA. Together we are collecting more than 1 million signatures to stop these deals.
Add your voice to the European Citizens’ Initiative against TTIP and CETA:
“We call on the institutions of the European Union and its member states to stop the negotiations with the USA on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and not to ratify the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada.
We want to prevent TTIP and CETA because they include several critical issues such as investor-state dispute settlement and rules on regulatory cooperation that pose a threat to democracy and the rule of law. We want to prevent lowering of standards concerning employment, social, environmental, privacy and consumers and the deregulation of public services (such as water) and cultural assets from being deregulated in non-transparent negotiations. The ECI supports an alternative trade and investment policy in the EU.”
 Add your voice against TTIP and CETA now – Sign the petition against TTIP here:…
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