Smart meters are “massive surveillance tech” – Privacy Supremo

Euro watchdog demands data law to protect punters

By Bill Ray • The Register

“The European Data Protection Supervisor has warned that smart meters are a significant privacy threat and wants limits on the retention and use of customer data before it’s too late.”

“Peter Hustinx….warns that the technology will “also enable massive collection of personal data which can track what members of a household do within the privacy of their own homes”. He pulls up examples of baby monitors and medical devices, which have identifiable patterns of energy consumption and could therefore be used to monitor what people are doing.”…

“That might sound fanciful, but researchers have already demonstrated that the pattern of energy consumed by a decent flat-screen TV can be used to work out what programme is being watched, and Hustinx is probably right that this isn’t information most of us would wish to share with our electricity providers.”

Read more at Smart meters are massive surveillance tech – privacy supremo • The Register.