“Getting Smarter About The Smart Grid” – Dr Tim Schoechle, National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy

Authored by a veteran communications technology expert, in collaboration with the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy, “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid” offers a roadmap to a truly decentralised electricity grid capable of integrating “distributed” power generation and renewal energy sources without the privacy, security, reliability, economic or potential public health impacts of our present 20th century centralised and wasteful utility infrastructure investment approach.

Report: http://www.gettingsmarteraboutthesmartgrid.org/pdf/SmartGrid_Report_PDF-2012-11-26-Final.pdf

The following audio recordings feature “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid” author, Timothy Schoechle, PhD; Camilla Rees, MBA, overseer of this initiative on behalf of the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy; new energy visionary, Duncan Campbell, author of the report’s Foreword, and host of Living Dialogues; and James S. Turner, Chairman of the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy and also Chairman of Citizens for Health.

Quadrilogue pt 1 http://www.gettingsmarteraboutthesmartgrid.org/audio/SMART%20GRID%20QUADRILOGUE%20-%20PART%201%20-%20Rees-Campbell-Schoechle-Turner.mp3

Quadrilogue pt 2 http://www.gettingsmarteraboutthesmartgrid.org/audio/SMART%20GRID%20QUADRILOGUE%20-%20PART%202%20-%20Rees-Campbell-Schoechle-Turner.mp3

Audio Rees & Schoechle http://www.gettingsmarteraboutthesmartgrid.org/audio/Smart_Grid_Dialogue_Tim_Schoechle_shrunk-1.mp3